Our Partners

Our Partners2018-09-11T11:40:37+00:00

The key implementing partners in the Programme are GB Department of Agriculture and GB Department of Public Works, Social Mobilization Partners/NGOs, a range of private sector marketing, inputs suppliers, service delivery and processor partners, value chain technical assistance team, Value Chain Management Committee and farmers organizations at village and valley level.

(a) Social Mobilization Partners (SMP):

The SMP is responsible for all social mobilization and farmer organization aspects and facilitation of linkages between the farmer groups, private sector and implementing agencies and VCTAT..

(b) Department of Agriculture (DoA): Department of Agriculture consists of number of

Directorates including Extension, Research, Livestock and Animal Health, Water Management and Fisheries. Directorates of Extension, Research, Livestock and Water Management are responsible for implementation of Programme activities related to their mandates.

(C)  Directorate of Extension is responsible for pre-harvest, post-harvest and crop

management related training of the farmers for the identified value chains, and provision of quality planting materials and seeds on full cost recovery principle (through a revolving fund). The soil testing lab in Gilgit will be made fully functional.

(d)  Directorate of Research is primarily responsible for effective management of its three tissue culture labs for production of quality seed for potato crop to enable farmers to produce 25,000 metric tons of certified seed potato, farmer training and monitoring for potato seed multiplication, coordination and linkages with private and public sector potato seed buyers, promotion of valley based storage and sorting facilities and introduction of better varieties of vegetables. Capacity for seed certification will be fully developed at Gilgit and Skardu offices of Federal Seed Certification Department.

(e)  Water Management Department (WMD) is responsible for the implementation of small to medium irrigation schemes for the development of new irrigated area. The Directorate is primarily responsible for identification of potential lands for development and their ownership status, establishment of Scheme Management Teams for the implementation of schemes, design and cost estimation of the schemes, agreement on implementation and cost recovery mechanism for each scheme and future O&M arrangements of the schemes.

(f) Value Chain Technical Assistance Team (VCTAT):  Qualified personnel are hired for specialized long term and short-term positions. VCTAT is based in PCU and is working in close collaboration with other implementing partners, in particular extension and research agencies and social mobilization partners. It assists each valley producers’ association in development of a business plan for its key products and their marketing, assist in linkages with down country buyers and formulation and execution of buyer-seller contracts, monitor the progress of business plan and take corrective measures where necessary, promote local entrepreneurship in value addition and processing and link promising ventures with Value Chain Fund and assist the applicants in meeting the conditions for the disbursement of Value Chain Funds. VCTAT will also identify policy and regulatory areas for government action.

(g) Value Chain Development Fund Management Committee: 

The Value Chain Fund is aimed at meeting the financing needs of Village Producer Groups, Valley Producers Associations and individual entrepreneurs and product specific groups like Women Milk Marketing Groups.

(h) Farmers Organizations (FOs):  All village/valley level Programme interventions particularly business development, agriculture extension, infrastructure, private sector linkages etc. have been will implemented through active involvement of organized farmers groups including women’s organizations.

(i) Partnership with Private Sector:  Promotion of partnership with private sector will be a

cornerstone of Programme approach and will be pursued through social mobilisation partners and Value Chain Technical Assistance Team and partner government extension and research agencies. Partnerships will be pursued both with local private sector entities as well as down-country buyers.